Welcome! I'm Katelyn Humenik
Katelyn Humenik is a daughter of the King. She is a power-packed prophet to the nations, speaking life into the younger generations, including Generation Z and Alpha.
Her ministry draws on the generational well that the Holy Spirit has carved out with her parents, John and Jen. She's active in apostolic missions, community, and local church work. She has a deep passion for children, ministering to all young adults, youth, and children.
Katelyn is highly active in missions, traveling the world to the darkest places on the planet to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
My Story
Growing up under my dad and mom can challenge any growing Christian. I struggled to find who I am. I struggle to see myself how God sees me. It felt like the whole world was against me. I knew what the Scriptures said about being a daughter of the King, but I never believed it or accepted it.
I was desperate to be seen and to feel loved. I looked in every place except the place I would get it from, and that is God.
Over time, God began to show me who I am. It wasn’t until He opened my eyes that I began to see that the world would never satisfy me or love me like God does. The things of the world are temporary; God isn’t. Only God’s love pulled me out of the hole I dug for myself.
He called me to a high place, a place so high that I am still trying to understand its meaning.
It isn’t always easy to walk with the Lord, but it’s the best thing. There will be moments that feel overwhelming, but only in God’s presence will we remain in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3 ESV). Peace cannot come from bars, drinking, drugs, or even expensive things. The world only offers temporary things that will have no meaning in eternity, but God offers victory in this life AND the next.
Walk with boldness, knowing that your Heavenly Father has your back. The same Holy Spirit that powered Jesus is the same Holy Spirit in you. The same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is the same Holy Spirit in you.
Jesus said in John 16:33, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart because I have overcome the world.”
Don’t go back to the chains/sins that Jesus died for you to be free from!
Walk in victory! The enemy is already defeated!
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.